Friday, June 24, 2016


I am a Stardust
Some days
the grey clouds cover up
I wipe off the dirt
and walk with trust
To be like the same
Stardust !

Thursday, June 23, 2016


The Rabbit and an Ant - ReBus Story

Is it okay to tease others? I hope almost everyone goes through this phase.  I could hear this from my Son every now and then back from school. So what would you do when your son/daughter complaint about the same. Do you advice them to tease back or tell the teacher about it? What I would say to my children is to just ignore and move on. I know it's hard, but it is possible. By this way we can evolve as greater individuals which not only solve the purpose now, but solves a huge purpose when they grow as independent individuals. This helps them to get along with anybody in the family and society which brings harmony and peace rather than being fighter cocks. Hope you all agree.

The ReBus story in the below link teaches the same values of life. This is the third episode from the Rebus collection. Please watch and share among your friends and families.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rebus Story - Episode 2

Our current family atmosphere and the environment around us make children very possessive of their things. It is very hard or rare these days that the kids tend to share their materials with others. But it is very necessary to instill the habit very deep in their minds at a very young age itself. We should teach them the necessity of global brotherhood and humanity. They should understand the moral values of life, to become greater citizens for the society.

How about we induce and reiterate the habit of sharing in the young minds with a short story?  This second episode of Rebus Story( Rabbit and his Kite)  narrate on the same lines. I always believe little children can benefit from short stories. This improves their reading and listening skills. Please try and let me know your inputs.


It was a bright sunny morning. I was enjoying the lovely weather. Dresses from the dryer were scattered here and there in the Couch. I was piling them together in the mood of keeping the place clean. Looking at my spirit, my younger son also joined the movement. I was happy to work along with him. He was helping me to carry the dresses to the Wardrobe. 

While stacking them in their assigned lanes, he could see a new T-shirt hanging from a corner. The brand read "Sach" a tagline of shirts from Sachin Tendulkar.  Imran, the tiny little looked at the signature image in the shirt and said, "The boy looks like Mowgli" inspired by the movie Jungle Book which he saw recently. I laughed loud and said, "He is not Mowgli, he is Sachin Tendulkar a famous Cricketer from India. If you become famous, probably we can launch a series of dresses like this one. We can name the series as 'Imri" probably I chuckled and smiled".  Imran immediately said, "No, I don't want to become famous". I asked him, "Why?". He said,"I don't want to get my named teased so badly that way". I rolled in laughter sensing his innocence. 

Sometimes they teach us life's most valuable lessons in a gently way. Loved the moment and the discussion. 

Friday, June 10, 2016


Each and Every day,
Keeping the praise and abuse away,
The Sun shines to make a perfect stay;

Each and Every day,
If there is plenty of light or grey,
The Bird will fly a long way;

Each and Every day,
Never leaving the clouds astray,
The moon will always sing soft lullaby;
Linking to Midweek Motif - Commitment

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rebus Stories

Rebus story is a short story comprised of words and images. It helps little children to learn words and understand the language better. It stands out from the traditional stories and will help children to motivate their learning curve. I am privileged to be part of the Rebus story team. Please check the attached links and circulate among your friends and families. 

The first link has an introduction of Rebus story and the second link has a story. Please watch and comment your thoughts.

Chubby Cheeks

When I was young as a toddler, I used to listen to the song "Chubby Cheeks". But I used to think, this rhyme finishes so quickly. I wished this rhyme could go longer. This idea made me to write the age old famous rhyme in a lengthy manner and cherish to enjoy for a longer time than usual. I enjoy even now as the same child longing for the same.

The new version of the age old famous "Chubby Cheeks" rhyme has been released by MagicBox. It is a lengthy version. Please listen and circulate among your friends and families. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016


A warm protective cover
is what they offer;
They help me to recover
from all the pains I suffer;

Delicacies of patience and wisdom
was always engulfed in my system;
I grew up in a lovely kingdom
with all the miracles of enchanted rhythm;

Years grew, experiences enhanced maturity,
I developed a sense of security;
The virtues of life reiterated on the move
I remembered my parents and their groove;

The values I imbibed, occupied the children
They are growing as unique in a million;
If you are a parent, please love your role
To make extraordinary goals and souls;

This Poem has been written for Poets United -Midweek Motif

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Little Miss Muffet

When I had to rewrite this rhyme, I had only one thinking in mind on how to make the spider very friendly to Miss Muffet. I loved the way the rhyme unfolded at the end, Personally I like this rhyme so much out of the derived rhyme collection. Please check the rhyme "Little Miss Muffet" and circulate among your friends and families. I penned the lyrics and sung by a German Singer.